Friday, May 15, 2020

Manual "Comunicar los Riesgos Geológicos: Entregar información en crisis y calma"


"A handbook developed from the short course of the same name in Portland, Oregon, October 6-8, 2019
Authors and Instructors
Beth Bartel, UNAVCO Wendy Bohon, IRIS Lauren Frank, Portland State UniversityWendy Stovall, USGS Volcano Hazards Program Michael Poland, USGS Volcano Hazards Program

"This handbook is the product of a two-day short course with three remote follow-on sessions led by social scientists and professional science communicators in October 2019. Participants included eight geoscience graduate students and six journalists of various career stages. The course covered responsible communication of geohazards, with a focus on earthquakes and volcanoes of the Pacific Northwest. While the handbook includes basic background information on Cascadia, the best practices are applicable to communicating about geohazards of all types, anywhere in the world.

This course was motivated by the recognition that geoscientists and journalists are both called on to communicate about hazards, while often neither group receives training in
the best practices in how to do so. Also, while working with the news media is important
for sharing science broadly, many scientists are reluctant to do so, and journalists often have trouble accessing scientists. Yet the two professions share traits such as curiosity and skepticism, a desire for truth, and a drive to learn. By creating a cohort to recognize these similarities and understand the conflicting needs (for example, science usually moves slowly, journalism often moves quickly) we hoped to improve hazards communication to the public through more effective communication and better relationships."

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