Monday, April 6, 2020

Observaciones ciudadanas - Dubrovnik Inspire Hackathon 2020 -

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  • Management of citizen-generated data
  • Data cataloguing and practical information for data providers
  • Benefits of using CKAN and OpenSearch API

What: In this webinar you will learn about harvesting citizen-science data from different providers, showcasing the harvesting capabilities of NextGEOSS. We will show that european public investment in projects like SCENT adds value to both the EO and the citizen-science communities. You will also learn about the benefits of having your data added NextGEOSS catalogue and how make the API more friendly to cataloguing.
Why: There is more and more citizen-science data available through different interfaces and infrastructures. At the same time, there is a need to facilitate combined access and utilisation with Earth Observation data towards the development of applications for improved environmental monitoring. Thus, the challenge aims to harness recognised cataloguing services provided through NextGEOSS so as to increase uptake of these resources. 
Who (is the webinar for):  Providers of citizen-science data, data providers who’d like to expand their reach and visibility in the GEOSS community.

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